Being small means being nimble and adaptable - often pulling off feats of strength other, larger tech firms simply can’t maneuver.

We are really proud of this prowess and of the partnerships it’s allowed us to have. Our project experience with Avalanche Canada (AvCan), working together to improve technology for avalanche safety, alerts and data management, is a good example.

Avalanche Canada
Quickly adapting when needs change

Karl Klassen, AvCan warning service manager, said they’ve been impressed by how responsive Two Story Robot is to specific needs and “how quickly they are able to adapt when our needs change—sometimes on the fly.”

The project is called the Avalanche Information Distribution System (AvID). The primary goal of this avalanche forecasting software is to improve the ability of a forecaster to obtain, filter and visualize the sheer amount of data used to produce an avalanche forecast.

Utlizing new or breaking technologies

“They come up with good suggestions when they see room for improvement or are aware of new or breaking technologies that might be useful in producing a better product for us,” said Klassen. “That said, when our in-house staff have a preferred technology or solution that will work best for us, Two Story Robot is always ready to put the customer first and work within our specifications.”

We’d highly recommend Two Story Robot to anyone in the market for a software development team.

Working directly with developers

The project also considers risk communications and ways to improve the information distribution. Two Story Robot developed new features and frontend UI components in React with complex business logic in Redux and advised on UX design improvements and backend API developer on REST data formats. We’re also doing some research & development utilizing GraphQL for data aggregation and data visualization.

While AvCan has worked with larger companies in the past, once the project reached the point of working through the finer details, the process was simplified and expedited by being able to talk to and work directly with the development team without having to go through various levels of management.

“Two Story Robot has been more flexible more
responsive and more adaptable than what we
experienced working with a larger company,”
said Klassen.

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