Modern Metric

A New Responsive Insurance Experience

This project has been a fun one. It's one of those stories where good collaboration not only yields great results but also creates a more engaging experience for the users. In a weird way you never want it to end!

The Design Sprint

In the early stages of our company we had an idea of how we wanted to approach development. We've always been interested in getting to the why before we start on the what.

People come to us because they are experiencing some kind of problem. They come to use with a solution in mind. This sounds great except that they are often missing the broader perspective of possibility. We find that digging into the problem itself helps us get to a stronger final product.

The beginning of our journey with Modern Metric coincided with the beginning of our journey formalizing this initial ideation process, the Design Sprint.
Who is Modern Metric

Modern Metric is an insurance tech company. They are revolutionizing the insurance sector through innovation. At the time they were looking for a way to create a white glove experience for their high-end consumers. An experience that doesn't exist anywhere else. This type product exploration is the perfect use case for design sprint.

..we were lucky enough to be brought along for the ride!

Concierge Experience

The mobile app we built with Modern Metric enables their clients to access insurance information directly and avoid the hassle of finding their brokers on the fairway at the country club. This is a big leap forward for the brokerage sector which is not particularly technologically savvy. We wanted to create a ‘concierge’ experience. Knowing when your insurance advisor is available means we don't need to waste time playing phone or email tag. Adding a coloured dot to indicate online status sounds like a small thing but this small change got rid of all the complications in their communication and we were flabbergasted by the results.

The adoption rate showed an increase from 15% to an unbelievable 35% just in a few days.


We love to experiment and try new things and recently we've started to play around with various No Code tools. These tools make web development more approachable. It allows people to focus on creativity without the difficulties of coding getting in the way. On our team we have people who do not come from a development background but want to get more involvement in the product development process. No Code was the perfect opportunity for this.

When Jacob, from Modern Metric, came back to us with questions about helping them build new tools we proposed starting with a No Code solution first to tease out where we could make the biggest gains.

They wanted to experiment and test new aspects of the business. So what we needed was to be able to test quickly while not just shooting from the hip.

The first version took about four weeks to launch and send traffic to it, which is incredibly fast compared to the normal development timeline.

The product we're working on today is called the Discover Tool. It is a dashboard that consolidates all of the information necessary for insurance agents to assess the needs of their clients. Historically, brokers had to rely on many different avenues of information collection and dissemination. Now it all exists under one roof. The agent can make more informed decisions and the clients get faster answers.

Love Story

Technology is an incredibly fast moving industry. It's important to be nimble and adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Quick iteration and efficient development are critical but the true purpose is to serve our clients and that purpose should never be compromised.

Making space to circle back to the why and check in with the needs of our customers ensures we stay connected and create a trusting relationships. At the end of the day, we want to create the best technology out there but what we carry forward are the partnerships.

Whatever you're doing to hire, find, retain, and develop your employees, keep doing it. You continue to find great people, and our experience working with TSR has been pleasant and smooth. Keep up the good work not only in providing quality work but also in collaboration.

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